Meeting called to order at 8: 07 PM
In attendance were Optimist Pres. Grant Beattie, Optimist Secretary-treasurer Brian Crozier, and Optimist members Greg Thompson, Steve Bisbee, Randy Smith, John Kearsley, Wilf Doll and Jeff Bechard.
Brian presented the treasurer’s report, and after a brief discussion Steve tabled a motion that the report be accepted as presented, seconded by Jeff Bechard , and the motion carried unanimously.
President Grant proceeded with the first item on the Agenda, which was the Victoria Day fireworks sale results. A figure of $1700 and change was given as profit for this year, down by approximately $1300 from last year. The bad weather and increased availability of fireworks at other locations were given as possible reasons for the drop in revenue.
Mention was made of the possibility of not trying to sell as many large ticket kits, because very few moved.
The condition of the trailer and it’s leaky roof were discussed, as to whether a rebuild of the trailer was a project the Club could undertake. No decisions were made.
A brief discussion followed on the situation at the Community Centre and the Maple Syrup Day flood. President Grant indicated that our insurance plan required no deductible, and that more information was expected from the Community Centre regarding how and when the repair would take place.
A donation request from the EDSS Lancers Golf Classic was discussed. Steve Bisbee indicated that when we had sponsored in the past, the promises of exposure and recognition in exchange for the donation were never kept by the Golf Classic committee. Steve Bisbee tabled a motion to deny the donation request, and to send a letter indicating the reason for the denial. Motion was seconded by
A donation request from Minor Baseball was discussed. Club concerns about a lack of accountability on the part of Minor Ball were mentioned. There seemed to be no guarantee that our past donations had been used to the benefit of all minor ballplayers. Decision on a donation was deferred until Steve Bisbee can contact Larry Devitt about this accountability issue.
A donation request from the 1st Elmira Scouts was received. Steve Bisbee tabled a motion to support the Scouts with a $500 donation. Randy Smith seconded, and the motion carried.
A donation request was received from the Elmira Youth Bowling Council to help offset league registration costs and league fees. A motion to donate $500 was tabled by , seconded by Steve Bisbee, and was carried.
A donation request by the YMCA was bypassed.
In regard to Club elections, although all attending members voted in favour of President Grant and Secretary-treasurer Brian continuing in office for another year, a motion was passed to send an email to members not in attendance, offering them a chance to proclaim their desire to run for those offices, or to fill the vacant Vice President position. If no one expresses an interest, Grant and Brian will be returned to office by acclamation.
A brief discussion followed concerning Canada Day celebrations. President Grant expressed a need to have someone step up and assume a leadership role, so that he could inform the Township (?) that the Optimist Club of Elmira would be involved. No one at the meeting was willing to commit , so it was decided to send a general email looking for a front man.
President Grant reminded the members of the zone breakfast on June 14th at The Crossroads. It was indicated that $13.60 per plate would be the cost.
The issue of Club gender was brought to discussion. Many good points, pro and con, were expressed. The issue of Optimist International directives regarding this issue were debated. It was decided to notify all members by email that a vote would be taken at some point in the near future, and all should attend.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:16 PM.