Meeting called to order at 7:10 PM
In attendance: Murray, Randy, Brian, Bill, Wilf, John K., Grant, Jeff
Discussion was raised on the propriety of expecting membership dues from people who were already donating their time. Mention was made of Clubs which used corporate donations to defer the cost of dues, and other Clubs which paid the yearly Club fees to Optimist International directly out of monies raised. The consensus seemed to be that the zone breakfast in the fall would be a good time to canvass other Clubs on their method of dealing with annual dues. No motion was made and no vote was taken.
The Treasurer’s report inspired a discussion on designing a budget based on the previous year’s income and expenditures, and a committee to facilitate this. John K. suggested that a detailed list of the previous year’s receipts and debits would be essential to designing a budget. This was deferred to the September business meeting, to allow Treasurer Brian time to gather the appropriate info. Mention was made of building the cost of a tent in to a budget, including talk of renting versus buying outright.
Grant moved to accept the Treasurer’s report, seconded by Wilf, and was passed.
President Grant informed the members of Veteran’s appreciation day taking place in Waterloo July 8th in Waterloo.
A letter from Lynn McLaughlin representing “Robin in the Hood”, requesting a donation from the Club, was presented. Grant gave a brief description of the event based on his experience with the event, and how it involved many hundreds, perhaps thousands of local and area youth. It was agreed that this was the sort of event that the Optimist Club of Elmira should be supporting in as many ways as possible. Jeff will contact Lynn about appearing at the September dinner meeting, hopefully with a couple of members of the production, to more fully describe their operation. This will better assist the Club membership in deciding on an appropriate contribution of money, and perhaps time and energy.
Canada Day fireworks sales were discussed. A shift schedule from Karl is required and expected soon.
Murray is working on a schedule for Canada Day celebration hotdog help.
Grant voiced a need to have more people take responsibility for specific events throughout the year, to take some of the pressure off of the President’s office.
Comedy Night and the increased cost of improved comedic talent leading to a higher ticket price was discussed. Molson’s support of the event was described. They will bring the beer to the hall, take away anything unused, and probably supply beer cups. One of the comedians coming from a distance (Windsor?) will require the club to pay for a room for the night of the event. Grant will look into booking said room and paying for it directly out of the proceeds of the evening. Further to the opening topic of discussion, it was agreed that anyone, Club member or not, who assists with the event should not have to pay for a ticket to attend.
It was agreed that minutes of minutes should be emailed to members for approval.
The question of defining the qualifications and requirements for membership in the Optimist Club of Elmira were discussed. No motion was tabled and no vote taken because it was felt by several members that what the Club was actually voting on should be more accurately defined. Opinion drifted toward appointing a committee to draft new bylaws that could be voted on as a complete package. Randy and John agreed to work toward drafting new bylaws to be voted on at the September business meeting. Jeff tabled a motion to this effect. It was seconded by Randy with the addendum that one of the newer members be involved. The motion was voted on in these terms and passed.
The Community Centre fiasco was discussed. John K. agreed to get pricing on a proper circuit alarm for the Centre to prevent the accident from happening again. Grant will talk to our contact at the centre about the Club installing this alarm as a good will gesture. A budget of $300.00 was proposed by Murray, seconded by Grant, and passed.